Concrete Foundation Contractors Auckland

Foundation Work

A concrete foundation is the most important part of any building project. It is essential that the foundation is accurately formed in order to ensure the success of the project.

Our team of experienced concrete foundation contractors service the Auckland area and specialise in laying foundations, footings, drilling, digging and concrete installation.


Sound Advice

BTS Earthworks will advise on the best way to lay concrete footings and foundations to precisely follow plans and use materials efficiently – ultimately reducing costs. With our experience and advice, you can be confident that your concrete foundations will be solid and your construction project will be built to last.

Difficult Site?

Building on a steep site, or one that has poor soil conditions? You’ll require specialised foundation work to ensure the stability of the building. The team at BTS Earthworks can manage the earthworks for timber piles and poles, anchor piles and suspended floor construction.

We pride ourselves on delivering beyond expectation, always.

Anywhere north of the Auckland Harbour Bridge and south of Wellsford - across the North Shore and Rodney, including Whangaparaoa, Orewa, Silverdale, Millwater and Warkworth